The U.S. DOE recently offered guidelines for the newest reauthorization of the Every Student Succeeds Act, or ESSA. This blueprint focuses on helping teachers perform better, and in turn helping their students do the same. That means every student succeeds when their teachers succeed in their endeavors, too. The Department of Education plans to handhold the states and districts through the transition from the controversial No Child Left Behind Act to the ESSA. READ MORE
Source:, Bambi Majumdar -
From Sept. 11: It is possible to help a beginning English language learner improve so much in a matter of months that he or she can pass the sixth through eighth grade state standardized tests. This student can go from five to 50 percent on a school curriculum test. It's happening in my middle school classroom, and it can happen in your classrooms, too. With the right support and differentiation, ELLs will be successful in your general education or language arts classroom. READ MORE